
Conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof Pawałowski
11-13 January 2021, Online conference via Zoom


Krzysztof Pawałowski

kpa70 is the conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof M. Pawałowski.

The main topic of the conference - broadly understood smooth group actions on manifolds - reflects mathematical interests of Krzysztof Pawałowski.

The conference will be held in an online format via Zoom. If you like to participate in the conference please register (see below).

We are also very happy to announce that another conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof M. Pawałowski, organized by Prof. Takao Satoh (Tokyo University of Science) and Prof. Shintaro Kuroki (Okayama University of Science) will be held in Fabruary. See the details here: link to the conference "kpa70+".

Slides and talks

The slides and videos of the talks from the conference are available only for the participants of the conference under this link:
slides and talks from the conference
If you wish to obtain access to them, please contact Piotr Mizerka: piotr dot mizerka at amu dot edu dot pl.


Marek Kaluba, e-mail: kalmar at amu dot edu dot pl,
Wojciech Politarczyk, e-mail: w dot politarczyk at mimuw dot edu dot pl,
Bartosz Biadasiewicz, e-mail: bartosz dot biadasiewicz at amu dot edu dot pl,
Łukasz Michalak, e-mail: lukasz dot michalak at amu dot edu dot pl,
Piotr Mizerka e-mail: piotr dot mizerka at amu dot edu dot pl,
Agnieszka Stelmaszyk-Śmierzchalska: e-mail: as-s at amu dot edu dot pl.

Invited Speakers

    William Browder (Princeton University)

    Sylvain Cappell (New York University)

    James F. Davis (Indiana University Bloomington)

    Bogusław Hajduk (University of Warmia and Mazury)

    Jarosław Kędra (University of Aberdeen)

    Mikiya Masuda (Osaka City University)

    Masaharu Morimoto (Okayama University)

    Robert Oliver (Paris University 13)

    Taras Panov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

    Józef H. Przytycki (George Washington University)

    Toshio Sumi (Kyushu University)


The schedule containing abstracts can be found in the conference book. The schedule is also presented below.

Time (Washington/Warsaw/Tokyo) Title and speaker Talk
13.01 (10:15-11:00 / 16:15-17:00 / 00:15-01:00) Compact group actions and algebraic topology, William Browder Princeton University abstract
12.01 (09:15-10:00 / 15:15-16:00 / 23:15-00:00) Fixed points of G-CW-complex with prescribed homotopy type, Sylvain Cappell New York University abstract
12.01 (10:15-11:00 / 16:15-17:00 / 00:15-01:00) The Borel Conjecture and aspherical 4-manifolds, James F. Davis Indiana University Bloomington abstract
12.01 (11:15-11:40 / 17:15-17:40 / 01:15-01:40) Local normality of infravacuum representations, Bartosz Biadasiewicz Adam Mickiewicz University abstract
13.01 (06:20-06:45 / 12:20-12:45 / 20:20-20:45) Framed cobordism and classification of free quotients, Łukasz P. Michalak Adam Mickiewicz University abstract
13.01 (07:00-07:45 / 13:00-13:45 / 21:00-21:45) Fixed point sets of symplectic actions on disks, Bogusław Hajduk University of Warmia and Mazury abstract
13.01 (08:00-08:45 / 14:00-14:45 / 22:00-22:45) On generation of arithmetic groups by conjugacy classes, Jarosław Kędra University of Aberdeen abstract
11.01 (07:00-07:45 / 13:00-13:45 / 21:00-21:45) Invariants of the cohomology rings of the permutohedral varieties, Mikiya Masuda Osaka City University abstract
12.01 (06:20-06:45 / 12:20-12:45 / 20:20-20:45) New results on one and two fixed point actions on spheres, Piotr Mizerka Adam Mickiewicz University abstract
12.01 (07:00-07:45 / 13:00-13:45 / 21:00-21:45) Equivariant Surgery and Dimension Conditions, Masaharu Morimoto Okayama University abstract
11.01 (09:15-10:00 / 15:15-16:00 / 23:15-00:00) The loop space homology of a small category, Robert Oliver Paris University 13 abstract
11.01 (08:00-08:45 / 14:00-14:45 / 22:00-22:45) Holomorphic foliations and complex moment-angle manifolds, Taras Panov Lomonosov Moscow State University abstract
11.01 (10:15-11:00 / 16:15-17:00 / 00:15-01:00) Adventures of knot theorist: from Fox 3-colorings to Yang-Baxter homology - 5 years after Poznań talks, Józef H. Przytycki George Washington University abstract
12.01 (08:00-08:45 / 14:00-14:45 / 22:00-22:45) Smith Problem and Laitinen's Conjecture, Toshio Sumi Kyushu University abstract
13.01 (09:15-10:00 / 15:15-16:00 / 23:15-00:00) Small hyperbolic groups with property (T)/Equivariant Khovanov homotopy type, Marek Kaluba/Wojciech Politarczyk Technische Universität Berlin/Warsaw University abstract